This course is designed for beginners who want to learn Zig programming from scratch. The goal is to provide a structured approach to mastering the basics of the Zig language, understanding core programming concepts, and applying them in practical, real-world projects.
Language: Zig
Duration: 1 weeks
Difficulty: easy
Category: Programming
Certificate: Yes
Your First Zig Program
What is Zig?
Why Zig? 🤔
Coding Challenge III
Why use functions
Types of Functions
Defining and calling functions
Coding Challenge I
Comments in Zig
Data Types: Integers, Strings, Booleans, Arrays, Floats and Optional
Variables in Zig
Nested Loop
Do While Loop
Break & Continue
While and For loops
Coding Challenge II
Switch Statement
Nested if else statement
Conditional Statements(if, else and else if)
Coding Challenge IV
Array Manupulation
Deep dive into Array
Coding Challenge II
Comparison & Assignment Operators
Arithmetic & logical Operators
Introduction to operators
Coding Challenge V
Try & Catch
Basic Error Representation
Introduction to Error Handling in Zig