Master the fundamentals of Rust programming with our beginner-friendly course. Start coding with confidence as you learn Rust basics step-by-step, perfect for newcomers to programming.
Language: Rust
Duration: 1 Week
Difficulty: easy
Category: Programming
Certificate: Yes
Welcome to Rust!
What is Rust?
Your First Program: "Hello, world!"
Ownership Rules in Rust
Borrowing and References (& and &mut)
Lifetimes and Scope
Unwrapping Option and Result
Propagating Errors with the ? Operator
Custom Error Types in Rust
Coding Challenge 5
Variables and Mutability
Primitive Data Types
Constants and Shadowing
Comments and Code Readability
Introduction to Input and Output in Rust
Parsing User Input to Different Data Types
Coding Challenge 3
Introduction to Traits
Using Generics and Traits for Flexibility
Coding Challenge 6
If, Else If, and Else Conditions
Loops (For, While, and Loop)
Pattern Matching with match
Coding Challenge 1
Defining and Using Structs
Implementing Methods for Structs in Rust
Enums and Pattern Matching
Coding Challenge 4
Defining and Calling Functions
Function Parameters and Return Values
Understanding Ownership in Functions
Coding Challenge 2
Introduction to Vectors, Strings, and HashMaps
Iterating Through Collections
Iterators and Closures